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Dr. José Manuel Navarro
Md. PhD. DDS. Center Director.
Implant Surgery and Periodontology
Dr. José Manuel Navarro
Md. PhD. DDS. Center Director. Implant Surgery and Periodontology
- Graduate in medicine and surgery. Zaragoza's University. (1975).
- Bachelor of Stomatology. University of Barcelona. (1977).
- Doctor of medicine and surgery. Complutense University of Madrid. (1999).
- Involved in surgical and prosthetic implantology since 1981. He is Medical Director at the Branemark Center in Las Palmas.
- Dr. Navarro is also the author and co-author of publications as well as a national and international speaker at conferences and courses on his specialty.
Dra. Sofía Navarro
DDS. MSc candidate. Implantology and Prosthetics
Dra. Sofía Navarro
DDS. MSc candidate. Implantology and Prosthetics
- Degree in Dentistry from the International University of Catalonia - UIC, Barcelona, Spain.
- University Expert in Implantology, Prosthodontics, Occlusion and Soft Tissue Management by CEODONT. Drs. Rábago, Mariano Sanz and Pradíes.
- Studying for a Master's degree in Implantology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany.
- EAO (European Association of Osseointegration) Certificate in Implantology.
- Certified by the VISTA Institute in recession lining on teeth and implants using the VISTA minimally invasive technique.
- Member of the Spanish Society of Prosthetics and Aesthetics (SEPES).
- Member of the Spanish Society of Periodontology and Oseointegration (SEPA).
- Member of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO).
Dra. Verónica Rodríguez
DDS. MSc. Surgery
Dra. Verónica Rodríguez
DDS. MSc. Surgery
- Degree in Dentistry. Santa Maria College. Caracas. 2010.
- Master in Oral Implantology: Surgery, Prosthesis and Periodontics. International University of Catalonia. 2015.
Dr. Giorgio Zappalá
DDS. MSc candidate. Implantology and Periodontics
Dr. Giorgio Zappalá
DDS. MSc candidate. Implantology and Periodontics
- Degree in Dentistry from the International University of Catalonia - UIC, Barcelona, Spain.
- University Expert Degree in Implantology, Prosthodontics, Occlusion and Soft Tissues by CEODONT. Drs. Rábago, Mariano Sanz and Pradíes.
- Studying for a Master's degree in Implantology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany.
- EAO (European Association of Osseointegration) Certificate in Implantology.
- Certified by the VISTA Institute in recession lining on teeth and implants using the VISTA minimally invasive technique.
- Member of the Spanish Society of Prosthetics and Aesthetics (SEPES).
- Member of the Spanish Society of Periodontology and Oseointegration (SEPA).
- Member of the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO).
Dra. Sara Piñana
DDS. MSc. Prosthetics and Oral and Facial Aesthetics
Dra. Sara Piñana
DDS. MSc. Prosthetics and Oral and Facial Aesthetics
- Degree in Dentistry with a degree in oral and maxillofacial medicine. San Pablo CEU University of Madrid. 2011.
- Master in prosthesis, implantoprosthesis and oral-facial esthetics. Mississippi Institution. 2016-2018.
- Modular course in advanced endodontics: Endoformación Gran Canaria. 2019.
- Advanced surgical implant training program. University At Buffalo, NY. 2014.
Dra. Ángeles Martínez
DDS. Endodontics and Endodontic Microsurgery
Dra. Ángeles Martínez
DDS. Endodontics and Endodontic Microsurgery
- Degree in dentistry from the Fernando Pessoa University.
- University specialist in clinical endodontics and microscopy.
- Advanced endodontics and retreatment, Gaizka Loroño.
- University Expert Degree in Prosthetics and Dental Aesthetics, Ceodont.
- Associate lecturer at the Fernando Pessoa University.
Dra. Katy Cardona de Juan
DDS. Dental and Facial Aesthetics
Dra. Katy Cardona de Juan
DDS. Dental and Facial Aesthetics
- Degree in Dentistry. Alfonso X el Sabio University. 2002.
- Specialist in Esthetic Dentistry (Dr. Galip Gurel, Istanbul. 2010.
- Cycle of Excellence in Composite (Autran Dental Academy, Barcelona. 2008.
Dr. Fernando Calandria
DDS. MS. PhD candidate. Fixed Orthodontics and Invisible Orthodontics
Dr. Fernando Calandria
DDS. MS. PhD candidate. Fixed Orthodontics and Invisible Orthodontics
- Degree in Dentistry. Complutense University of Madrid. 2008.
- Advanced Orthodontic Postgraduate at NYU. 2010.
- Invisaling Certificate. NYU. 2010.
- Professor of the Master of Advanced Orthodontics at the European University of Madrid.
Dr. Pedro Nicolás
DDS. Fixed Orthodontics and Invisible Orthodontics
Dr. Pedro Nicolás
DDS. Fixed Orthodontics and Invisible Orthodontics
- Telecommunications Engineer in Electronic Systems.
- Graduate in Telecommunications Technology Engineering.
- Degree in dentistry from the University Fernando Pessoa Canarias.
- Associate Professor at the Fernando Pessoa University. Canarias.
- FAS® Aligner System accreditation course.
Dra. Kellylia Valle
DDS. Pediatric Dentistry
Dra. Kellylia Valle Chiaramonte
DDS. Pediatric Dentistry
- Degree in Dentistry from the Carabobo University. Valencia, Venezuela.
- Degree in Dentistry from the University Fernando Pessoa. Canarias, Convalidation.
Treatment Management and Coordination
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