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  1. 1981

    First Center in the Canary Islands to use dental implants

    In 1981 Dr. José Manuel Navarro began his implantology career after attending the University of Tübingen to train on the Tübinger Implant with Dr. Willy Schulte.

    Historia 1981 Primer Centro en Canarias en utilizar Implantes dentales
  2. 1987

    First single implant in Spain.

    In 1987 we placed and published the first two cases of replacement of single teeth on implants ad modum Brånemark in Spain

    Historia 1987 Primer implante unitario en España

    “Dr. Navarro presenting one of his cases at the M.G.M. Las Vegas USA”

    In 2005 and using the same implant, the crown was changed using the latest technology (18 years after implant placement). This case was awarded the Creative Circle Award at the World Conference 2005 and presented at the World Conference 2007 at the M.G.M in Las Vegas.

    HSituación del implante en 1987 y elaboración de una nueva corona sólo cerámica en 2005

    Implant status in 1987 and fabrication of a new ceramic-only crown in 2005


    Radiographic sequence from 1987 to 2019

    Radiographic sequence from 1987 to 2019

  3. 1995

    Launch of digital technology Cerec I

    In 1995 we began our digital journey by incorporating the first dental CAD / CAM device. The CEREC I milling machine from SIEMENS.

    Historia 1995 Incorporación de tecnología digital Cerec I

    On the left and center, the CEREC I in its commercial version. On the right, its creators, Dr. Dr. Werner H. Mörmann and the electrical engineer Dr. Marco Brandestin, with one of the prototypes

    Dr. Werner H. Mörmann and Dr. Navarro Alonso at the Digital Symposium organized by Henry Schein in Malaga, 2017.

    l Dr. Werner H. Mörmann y el Dr. Navarro Alonso en el Simposio Digital organizado por Henry Schein en Málaga, 2017.

    Dres. Werner H. Mörmann and Navarro Alonso

    Dr. Navarro Alonso chairs the congress for the 25th Anniversary of S.E.P.E.S

    In 1995, the 25th anniversary of the Spanish Society of Stomatological and Esthetic Prosthesis was held in Gran Canaria, a meeting that was chaired by Dr. José Manuel Navarro Alonso.

    En el año 1995 se celebraron en Gran Canaria las bodas de plata de la Sociedad Española de Prótesis Estomatológica y Estética, reunión que fue presidida por el Dr. José Manuel Navarro Alonso.

    From left to right: Dr. Vicente Jiménez, Professor P.I. Branemark, Dr. Ramón Martínez and Dr. J.M. Navarro president of the 25th Anniversary of the Spanish Society of Stomatological and Aesthetic Prosthesis.

  4. 1998

    Pioneers in implants and permanent same-day teeth

    In 1998 In 1998 we published the first worldwide protocol that allowed the placement of implants and definitive teeth on the same day. The concept, called Same Day Teeth or Brånemark Novum® was developed by our mentor Prof. Brånemark and Richard Skalak. You can download the chapter of the book where Dr. Navarro describes this technique step by step here.

    Foto del Profesor Profesor P. I. Brånemark con el Dr. Navarro Alonso

    Photo of Professor Professor P. I. Brånemark with Dr. Navarro Alonso

    Portadas en distintos idiomas del libro original

    Covers in different languages of the original book

    Scheme of the Brånemark Novum® system, nowadays called by the manufacturer Trefoil®.

    Esquema de Trefoil®

    Trefoil® scheme

    Presentation by Dr. Navarro Alonso at the EAO 2017 of the Trefoil® technique

  5. 1999

    First Center in the Canary Islands to use zygomatic implants

    First center in the Canary Islands to use zygomatic implants. They anchor to the cheekbone in situations of extreme bone resorption.

    De izquierda a derecha: Estado actual de un caso de implantes cigomáticos tratado en 1999, esquema de cigomáticos anclados al hueso malar y caso Quad Zygoma tratado en 2013

    From left to right: Current status of a case of zygomatic implants treated in 1999, scheme of zygomatics anchored to the malar bone and Quad Zygoma case treated in 2013

  6. 2003

    Pioneers in Invisible Orthodontics

    Pioneers in Invisible Orthodontics. In 2003 we treated the first patient with invisible orthodontics.

    Alineador de ortodoncia invisible

    Invisible orthodontic aligner

    Antes y después del primer caso tratado en nuestro centro con Invisible Orthodontics. A la paciente también se le efectuó un blanqueamiento dental.

    Before and after the first case treated in our center with Invisible Orthodontics. The patient also underwent teeth whitening.

    We currently have the "Diamond" designation thanks to the many cases we deal with annually.

  7. 2005

    Pioneers in computer-guided surgery

    In 2005, we were the first center in the Canary Islands to use computer-guided surgery to place dental implants.

    Caso de agenesia bilateral tratada en el año 2010

    Case of bilateral agenesis treated in 2010

    Planificación del caso con cirugía guiada por ordenador con el software NobelGuide

    Computer-Guided Surgery Case Planning with NobelGuide Software

    El mismo caso, 6 años después

    The same case, 6 years later

  8. 2014

    Incorporation of Omnicam, inLab MC XL milling machine, inFire HTC Speed and inEos X5

    In 2014, realizing that digital dentistry was here to stay, we incorporated Sirona's CEREC CADCAM system. This equipment allows us to make all types of prostheses (ceramic, acrylic or temporary) frequently in a single visit.

    De izquierda a derecha: Escáner intraoral Cerec Omnicam, escáner extraoral inEos X5, fresadora de 4 ejes inLab MC XL y horno de sinterizado inFire HTC Speed

    From left to right: Cerec Omnicam intraoral scanner, inEos X5 extraoral scanner, inLab MC XL 4-axis milling machine and inFire HTC Speed sintering furnace

  9. 2015

    Pioneers in the use of ceramic implants

    In 1981, we treated our first ceramic implant cases using the Aluminum Oxide Al2O3 Tübinger Implantat.
    Since 2015 we have used the latest generation ceramic implants in Zirconium (much greater resistance than Al2O3), ideal in clinical situations of allergies to titanium and in the anterior esthetic zone.

    Caso tratado en 2015 con implante de una sola pieza y sistema de implantes Straumann® PURE Ceramic

    Case treated in 2015 with one-piece implant and Straumann® PURE Ceramic implant system

    Caso tratado en 2018 con implante de dos piezas y sistema de implantes ZERAMEX® – 100% metal-free ceramic implants

    Case treated in 2018 with two-piece implant and ZERAMEX® implant system - 100% metal-free ceramic implants

  10. 2016

    Invisible Orthodontics and digital impression integration with Omnicam

    Incorporation of Intraoral Omnicam Digital Impression for invisible orthodoncis. Align Technology and Sirona announce new work integration together with CEREC OmniCam, which can be used for the presentation of Invisible Orthodonticscases that require an intraoral scanner. This allows Invisible Orthodonticsproviders to present a digital impression instead of a traditional PVS impression.

  11. 2017

    Incorporation of 5-axis milling machine

    In 2017 we incorporated the MC X5 5-axis milling machine.

    Presentation by Dr. Navarro Alonso at the EAO 2017 of the Trefoil® technique.

  12. 2018

    Endoret (PRGF) treatment pioneering

    Ground-breaking facial rejuvenation treatment with Endoret (PRGF).

    Pioneros en Tratamientos con Endoret® gel

    BTI Biotechnology Institute authorised centre

  13. 2019

    First DSD CLINIC Certified Centre in the Canary Islands

    First certified centre by Christian Coachman as a DSD Clinic in the Canary Islands.

    Dr. J.M. Navarro Alonso – DSD CERTIFIED PARTNER<

    Dr. J.M. Navarro Alonso – DSD CERTIFIED PARTNER

    Click Here

    Pioneering for GBT incorporation / AIRFLOW® PROPHILAXIS MASTER

    The incorporation of this 2 Airflow Profilaxis Master devices makes cleaning and oral health care come first in our clinic so we can assure the prevention, maintenance and the right treatment to expel plaque from the teeth, prosthesis or implants.

    Click here for more information and also on the manufacturer website.

    Pioneros en incorporación de GBT / AIRFLOW® PROPHILAXIS MASTER

    We include for the very first time in Spain the CEREC PRIMESCAN

    We incorporate to our equipment the latest intraoral scanner, where its newest high resolution device allows to receive a million 3D pixels per second, as other scanning performances such as:

    Dentsply Sirona – Primescan

    Dentsply Sirona – Primescan

    • Deepest areas (up to 20mm) that allows a depth measure with perfect sharpness digital print.

    • This device scans most of the tooth surface, even those hard access areas or steep angles.

    • In a short period of time Primescan captures dental surfaces in a higher defined resolution, including depth measure scans..

    • A significantly higher level of details in 3D models.
  14. 2020

    We incorporate the Orthophos SL 3D scanner

    We incorporate to our dental clinic, in Las Palmas, a panoramic X-ray 3D system.

    escáner Orthophos SL 3D

    Incorporation of X-Guide Navigated Surgery

    Innovation has always been one of our centre's maxims. Navigated surgery, or computer-guided implant surgery, is one of the latest techniques that have been developed in the field of implantology to improve the quality and speed of treatments.

    We incorporated it into our centre in 2020, and since then we have worked with this method in a multitude of cases in which greater precision in implant placement was required, compared to traditional surgery, which this technology provides.

    Cirugía Navegada X-Guide

    We increase security in our facilities

    During the COVID period, in addition to developing a rigorous protocol of preventive measures and creating a safety barrier at the entrance, we incorporated a Hypochlorous Acid production system in our facilities, with which, since then, we have been manufacturing this powerful oxidant 100 times more efficient, eliminating more microbial pathogens than sodium hypochlorite (bleach).

    This antiseptic does not cause eye or skin irritation and is not harmful. Because it is so safe, we continuously spray the entire clinic every day. We also install HEPA filters and UV-C disinfection devices and components in our air conditioning system.

    Incrementamos la seguridad en nuestras instalaciones
    Incrementamos la seguridad en nuestras instalaciones

  15. 2021

    The surgeon performs implant on himself with navigated surgery

    34 years after publishing the first single implant (ad modum Brånemark) in dental Spanish literature, Dr. Navarro uses navigated surgery to perform an oral implant surgery on himself by just looking at the screen during the process.

    We incorporate the GalvoSurge technology in our centre

    This is a new dental implant cleaning system that helps with the prevention or treatment of periimplantitis.


  16. We are expanding our paediatric dentistry department and LITA is born

    What began as the need to care for the children of our patients has become a solid project with the consolidation of a team of professionals specialising in children.

    Ampliamos nuestro departamento de odontopediatría y nace LITA
  17. 2022

    Incorporation of 5 dental devices INTEGO AND SINIUS OF SIRONA

    We have expanded our facilities to a total of 10 rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

    Incorporación de 5 equipos dentales INTEGO Y SINIUS DE SIRONA
    Incorporación de 5 equipos dentales INTEGO Y SINIUS DE SIRONA
    Incorporación de 5 equipos dentales INTEGO Y SINIUS DE SIRONA
    Incorporación de 5 equipos dentales INTEGO Y SINIUS DE SIRONA
    Incorporación de 5 equipos dentales INTEGO Y SINIUS DE SIRONA

    Creation of a new sterilisation room

    Where we continue to develop a structured chain that guarantees the sterility of all the materials we use. We carry out an exhaustive control, developing a process of cleaning and disinfection, inspection, bagging, sterilisation, as well as documentation and approval, with the aim of protecting patients and clinic staff.

    Creación de nueva sala de esterilización

    We acquired Melag's Careclave

    We are the first in Spain to have this autoclave which, with its patented DRYtelligence and double chamber technology, exceeds the expectations of modern autoclaves. It is an autoclave that allows us to prepare and sterilise contra-angles and turbines in accordance with RKI standards.

    Adquirimos el Careclave de Melag
    Adquirimos el Careclave de Melag

    We incorporate the MELAtherm 10 thermodisinfector from Melag

    This innovative thermal disinfector ensures superior cleaning, disinfection and drying of our materials and provides better protection for patients and our equipment.

    Incorporamos la termodesinfectadora MELAtherm 10 de Melag
    Incorporamos la termodesinfectadora MELAtherm 10 de Melag

    More information on the manufacturer's website.

    Acquisition of the Biolase EPIC X non-aerosol laser

    It is a diode laser for daily use with fast surgical capabilities, numerous hygiene procedures (where allowed), plus modes for pain therapy and whitening.

    Adquisición del láser EPIC X sin aerosol de Biolase
    Adquisición del láser EPIC X sin aerosol de Biolase
  18. 2023

    We add a new CEREC PRIMESCAN to our digital equipment

    Very happy with the accuracy and performance of our Primescan, we purchased a third machine for our digital impressions. We achieved fast and accurate intraoral scans.

    Añadimos a nuestro equipamiento digital una nueva CEREC PRIMESCAN
    Añadimos a nuestro equipamiento digital una nueva CEREC PRIMESCAN
  19. 2024

    We incorporate the new SprintRay Pro S 95 3D printer

    It is a printer that allows us to create our own models in consultation. They are highly accurate and flexible. We use it to create dental models: splints, mock ups, surgical guides, unloading splints, provisional and definitive splints.

    Incorporamos la nueva impresora 3D SprintRay Pro S 95
    Incorporamos la nueva impresora 3D SprintRay Pro S 95

    We incorporate the TRIOS 3 Scanner from 3Shape into our orthodontic department

    We incorporated the TRIOS 3 intraoral scanner from 3Shape, offering our patients a more comfortable and efficient experience for our orthodontic treatments with invisible aligners.

    Incorporamos a nuestro departamento de ortodoncia el Scanner TRIOS 3 de 3Shape
    Incorporamos a nuestro departamento de ortodoncia el Scanner TRIOS 3 de 3Shape
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