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Logotipo Centro Branemark Las Palmas

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Dental clinic specialized in Advanced Dental Implantology, Orthodontics and Dental Aesthetics.

The Brånemark Center Las Palmas is a Specialized and Multidisciplinary Dentistry Center, directed by Dr. José Manuel Navarro Alonso. Dr. Navarro, who graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Zaragoza in 1975 and in Stomatology at the University of Barcelona in 1977, completing his doctoral thesis at the Complutense University of Madrid in 1999.

The Brånemark Las Palmas Center combines the experience of its doctors with state-of-the-art facilities, procedures and technological equipment. Our tools and equipment always meet the highest medical requirements, are rigorously approved, and our facilities have all the required quality and sanitary certifications.

Instalaciones de la Clínica Dental Brånemark Las Palmas
Cirugía guiada en implantes dentales


First center in the Canary Islands to use dental implants

In 1981, Dr. José Manuel Navarro began his implant career, turning the Brånemark Las Palmas Center into a reference center for dental implants.

We placed the first single implant in Spain

In 1987 we placed and published the first two cases treated in Spain of replacement of single tooth on implants with the ad modum Brånemark procedure.

Logotipo BQDC

We are members of Best Quality Dental Centers (BQDC), an association of 60 dental clinics in Spain and Portugal with a long track record of excellence.

DSD Clinic - Centro Branemark Las Palmas

First Center certified by Christian Coachman as DSD Clinic in the Canary Islands.

Logotipo Centro Branemark Las Palmas
Logotipo Top Doctors
Logotipo The Leading Dental Centers of the World
Logotipo Branemark Kids

Visit our dental clinic for kids and teenagers in Las Palmas.
We are experts in children's dental health.

Tratamientos de odontopediatría en Centro Branemark Las Palmas

Higher precision thanks to 3D surgical planning

3D surgical planning is one of the latest technological innovations that we have implemented at the Brånemark Las Palmas Center. It allows our patients to have shorter surgical interventions thereby decreasing their postoperative recovery period.

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